Developer(s) | Publisher(s) | First released |
Capcom, Micronics | Capcom | December, 1984 |
S T A F F | C H A R A C T E R S |
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I'll bet your friendly neighbor won't bother you anymore, unless he was born to live the cartridge days.
The way this game is played is extremely simple, use your Nintendo Entertainment System's game pad cross bar to move your trusty P-38 Lightning in four directions - that would be up, down, left, right. B button is used for firing your plane's deadly rounds.
You use the A button to maneuver and dodge opponents. By default you are only allowed to use this dodging feature three times.
In 1942, your goal is to reach Tokyo and wipe out the whole Japanese fleet. Although your P-38 Lightning jet has got infinite ammo, you will still experience 32 levels of unending agony. For all you know, your opponent has got bottomless supplies of assorted Japanese planes very willing to get a piece of you. Not quite difficult but your eyes would just turn red and your thumbs would get numb if you embark on a mission to beat this game - trust me I have tried it. This game has got 1 and 2 players "alternating" option.
On your way to Tokyo, there will be power ups for your disposal especially if you wipe out those yellow-orange Japanese planes flying in a linear formation. If your trusty P-38 Lightning gets busted and you ended up into a Game Over, there will be a CONTINUE option. There are versions of this game with unlimited number of CONTINUES as far as I can recall. Yor plane will land briefly on an aircraft carrier after every level, possibly to refuel. The skies will all be yours as you won't see any other planes to provide aerial support. In this game, everything that moves on your screen are considered hostile.
No known codes to enhance (or at least to get the upper hand) to beat this game. You will have to rely on your gaming skills and perseverance.
Long time ago I embarked on a journey with a friend to beat this long repetitive game thinking that we will see some kind of good story line. Some kind of ending scenario maybe - like any other video games in the market.
Guess what!? After 32 levels of unending agony I didn't see any kind of flashy ending screen. Instead, all I got is a black screen that shows CONGRATULATION and nothing more.
Here are some in-game screenshots for 1942:
You will see these screenshots as you go near the game's ending:
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You will see these screenshots as you go near the game's ending:
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1942 Instruction Booklet screenshots:

Excerpts from the 1942 video game owner's manual:
Controller *1 — Moves Super Ace in 1 or 2 player game. Controller *1 — Mowes Super Ace In I or 2 player continuation game. FOUR SEPARATE ACTION TIPS Pressing any of four tips move you and Super Ace in that direction LEFT Super Ace moves left. RIGHT Super Ace moves right. UP Super Ace moves up. DOWN Super Ace moves down. |
You and The Daring Super Ace are engaged in realistic; thrilling. and challenging high flying battles with the enemy. must control Super Ace over land, sea, and in the air through 32 different scenes. Tn win you must reach Tokyo and destroy the remaining Enemy aircraft. SELECT BUTTON Press SELECT to move asterisk [*] next to the title at game you wish to play. * This button does not function while playing game. START BUTTON Pushing this button starts the game you selected. TO PAUSE Press START button whenever you choose to pause while actively playing game. A pause tone will he heard and game will be interrupted. To resume game playing where you left off. press START Button again. * Button B Enables Super Ace to shoot at the enemy. * Button A Enables Super Ace to do a "Loop the Loop" to avoid attacking enemies. Each controller has a crass-shaped control pad“ Pressing any of the four tips directs Super Ace in that direction. |
While you and Super Ace are fighting the enemy aircraft the B button on your control pad will blast 'em out of the sky. if you can destroy a complete attacking RED FORMATION you will gain additional power. A POW will appear on the screen after their defeat and you must fly over the POW to gain additional power. When enemy shots hit Super Ace; you lose one plane. if Super Ace hits one of the secret enemy bombers a [whirlwind/pinwheel] will appear on the screen and you will get an additional 5,000 points when you fly over it, Don't forget about the A BUTTON when there are too many enemy aircraft - by pushing the A BUTTON you can "Loop the Loop." POWER UP - POW 1. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears — you get 2 machine guns. 2. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears — you kill all enemy planes on screen. 3. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears — you get one ally on each side of Super Ace. 4. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears - you get additional points. 5. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears — you get additional points. 6. Attacking formation destroyed: POW appears — you get additional "Loop the loop." These six different ways m POWER UP depends an which attacking formation you have destroyed. Try to find ALL six, and be SUPER ACE. |